What Are You Focusing On
I was in a heated discussion with a respected fellow, he was complaining seriously about the economic situation of Nigeria. I reply by telling him, it depends on what you are focusing on.
He told me that since he was born, this is the worst time he has ever experienced. I replied by saying, this is the best of times I have ever lived to experience.
Challenges are bread for winners. The difference between a winner and a loser is their mentality. It is not the economic situation of Nigeria that determines our response, rather _it is our mentality_.
Have you not observed that many guys are building houses and buying properties here and there? Top-Notch Entrepreneurs are investing in our ventures, diversifying their portfolios. We must see beyond what is happening now.
I was teaching at a business seminar organized by a church last Sunday. *I told them that anytime there are economic crises like we are experiencing now, God is set to expand our businesses*.
" *What we focus on expanding".* There are a lot of opportunities all around us, it all depends on what we are focusing on.
That is why mentoring is very critical at this moment. Mentoring helps in forming a great mentality. Mentoring gives us perspectives.
Who is your mentor?
Seek mentoring relationship
Alfred Konaughe
Ajegunle Business School
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